Sleep Assessment: (Polysomnography)

Polysomnography is a difficult word for sleep assessment or study. It is done during your sleep and gives us valuable information about the course and the build-up of your sleep. It also shows sleep disturbing factors like changes in your breath or (leg) movements.

During the assessment you get stickers attached to your head which measures your brain activity. This is the way to measure the different phases during your sleep. In addition the muscle activity is measured, the breathing and the activity of the heart is registered. This gives an accurate overall picture. Mostly this examination is at home, comfortably in your own bed.


Through good sleep tests, measurements and possible specialistic examination your sleeping problems are being specified.

Sleep Behaviour Assessment

Biofeedback measurements

Sleep examination (polisomnography)

Apnoea examination

Activity tracking (actigraphy)

Melatonin determination (DLMO)


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We are happy to help you.