Would a treatment at the Sleep Treatment Centre be reimbursed by the insurance company?

The cooperating partners of Sleep Treatment Centre have contracts with all the insurance companies. ‘’Sens beweegt je’’ gives the sleep treatment which is reimbursed by your additional insurance. Further diagnostics are being reimbursed from the basic insurance. This is all dependent on your insurance (plan). If you have your BSN number handy we can look [...]

Can I choose for a remote treatment via video calling/consulting?

Yes. A part of our services can perfectly be digital. We like to see you in person for certain sleep tests and treatments. This can be at one of our locations, it can also be at your home. If you have a strong preference to see each other in person or only digital, we respect [...]

Cancellation of the appointment?

In case you cannot come to the appointment you need to let us know at least 24 hours before via mail or phone. In case you do not cancel (on time), the treatment will be charged.

Is my privacy guaranteed?

We are all medical professionals and bound to strict laws on this area. We work with secured computer systems for storing and exchange of your data.

Do I need a referral from a doctor?

A referral is not necessary. You can make an appointment with us yourself. A referral is good to have as it mentions your details and a short explanation of your sleeping problem. Sometimes there is a question on the referral from the doctor to us.

How can a GP or specialist refer me to you?

The Sleep Treatment Centre is a cooperation between sleep experts from different organisations. The doctor can send the referral to us via Zorgdomein or Zorgmail. ‘’Sens beweegt je’’/’’Slaaptherapie’’ is the most common keyword. We expect that the Sleep Treatment Centre shortly will have its own Zorgdomein account.

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